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Pashmina Shawl Types - Yıldırım, Bursa
1 TL
Bursa / Yıldırım / /
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ümit yılmaz
Üyelik Tarihi : 17 Ağustos 2021
Güvenlik İpuçları

İlgilendiğiniz aracı veya emlak ilanını görmeden kapora olarak ödeme yapmayın, para göndermeyin.

Harita Konumu

İlan Açıklama

Scarf - Shawl - Foulard - Pareo - Peshtamal etc. Manufacturing - Wholesale

   Our company offers standard production and promotion according to customer demand; Scarf - Shawl - Small scarf (Foulard) - Cheesecloth - Pareo - Flag - Peshtamal - Towel etc. manufactures products.

Manufacturing is done with the customer's brand and the customer's own pattern. Our sales are WHOLESALE only.

Some of our product ranges are presented below;

* Pashmina Shawl Types (Tasseled, Fringed, Silvery, Foil Printed, Flock Printed, Digital Pattern Printed, Piece Printed etc.)
* Taffeta Shawl and Taffeta Scarf
* Chiffon Shawl and Chiffon Scarf
* Jacquard Pattern Shawl and Jacquard Pattern Scarf
* Lace / Guipure / Embroidery Pattern Shawl and Lace / Guipure / Embroidery Pattern Scarf
* Polyester Satin Scarf and Polyester Satin Shawl
* Polyester Rayon Scarf and Polyester Rayon Shawl
* Polyester Twill Shawl and Polyester Twill Scarf
* Cotton Shawl and Cotton Scarf
* Medine Silk Scarf and Medine Silk Shawl (Solid Color and Pattern Printed)
* Pouch/Pushi/Shemagh/Yashmak Shawl and Scarf
* Pigment Pattern Print Shawl and Scarf
* Foil Print Shawl and Scarf
* Jaz Shawl (Jazz Shawl)
* Court Silk Shawl
* Flam Scarf and Shawl
* Lycra Combed Cotton Shawl
* Winter Knitwear Knitted Thick Shawl - Cardigan – Poncho
* Woven / Knitted Neck Scarf and Shawl
* Silvery Yarn Woven Scarf Shawl - Silvery Scarf, Silvery Shawl
* Writing / Cheesecloth
* Bursa Silk Scarf - Silk Shawl - Silk Scarf - Silk Tie - Silk Handkerchief
* Promotional Shawl, Scarf, Scarf, Pareo, Handkerchief, Poncho etc.
* Promotional Flag, Pennant, Mask, Bandana etc.
* Turkish Bath Peshtamal - Beach Towels - Women's Beach Pareo - Hotel Textile - Prayer Prayer Rug – Ihram - Tallit Wool Orthodox Clothing etc. Manufacturing

There is a minimum purchase for each product.
Please contact for order and wholesale purchase of stock products.


Akv Textile Scarf - Shawl etc. Manufacturing
Bursa, Turkey

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Weekdays: 09:00 – 18:00 Contact: +90 544 319 46 83 (Mr. Ümit YILMAZ)


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İlan Özellikleri